Tuesday, January 11, 2022

How To Find Volume With Just Density

The tube is bent into a "U" shape and mounted on an inexpensive piezoelectric speaker. The resonance frequency of the tube is detected by a photointerrupter, amplified, and fed into the speaker; the resulting feedback circuit keeps the glass tube vibrating at its resonance frequency. A peristaltic pump and computer are used to flow samples through the tube and record the resonance frequency of the tube.

how to find volume with just density - The tube is bent into a U shape and mounted on an inexpensive piezoelectric speaker

Detail of the glass tube shows the path followed by a sample inside the tube as it flows into the sensor ("a"), passes the tip of the sensor ("b"), and exits the sensor ("c"). Resonance frequency of the vibrating tube vs. time as a 770 μm diameter glass bead is passed back and forth through the tube eighteen times. Each passage of the bead through the tube results in a momentary decrease in the tube's resonance frequency; this is recorded as a downward peak in the resonance frequency .

how to find volume with just density - The resonance frequency of the tube is detected by a photointerrupter

How To Find Volume In Chemistry Without Density Each point on the peak (baseline "a," tip "b," and baseline "c") corresponds with the bead's location in above. The height of this peak is used to determine the buoyant mass of the bead . Histograms showing the buoyant mass of another bead weighed thousands of times in two different fluid densities. In deionized water (density 1.000 g/mL) the bead has an average buoyant mass of 3.69 ±0.12 μg, and in a sodium chloride solution (density 1.046 g/mL) the bead has an average buoyant mass of −4.42 ±0.16 μg.

How To Find Volume In Chemistry Without Density

The widths of these distributions—120 and 160 nanograms—provide an estimate of the resolution of our mass measurements. The four proof-of-concept samples studied here—microbeads, embryos, seeds, and biomaterials—are representative of a wide range of samples that may be analyzed in fluid using vibrating glass tube sensors. Our technique is very versatile because all objects have fundamental physical properties like mass. Consequently, our mass sensor can be applied to problems as diverse as screening toxic substances, understanding the growth of plants, measuring the degradation of biomaterials, and many others.

how to find volume with just density - Detail of the glass tube shows the path followed by a sample inside the tube as it flows into the sensor a

And unlike imaging-based measurements of size, our mass sensor is insensitive to the shape of the object. Finally, the automation, portability, and low cost of this technique make vibrating glass tubes particularly well suited for applications in the field or in resource-limited settings. Before using a vibrating tube to weigh a sample, the tube must first be calibrated. We calibrated the sensor shown in Fig 1A using a glass bead of known size and density in a fluid of known density . Fig 1C shows eighteen downward peaks in the resonance frequency of the tube as the bead is pumped back and forth eighteen times through the tube.

how to find volume with just density - Resonance frequency of the vibrating tube vs

The height of each peak (72 millihertz; Fig 1D) is proportional to the buoyant mass of the bead . Our homemade vibrating tube mass sensors typically have quality factors around 500, which is comparable to that of tuning forks and high enough for precise measurement of the tube's resonance frequency . In this work, we demonstrate a simple and inexpensive sensor capable of weighing microgram-sized objects in fluid. Like the SMR, this sensor uses a change in resonance frequency to weigh an object in fluid with high precision. But unlike the SMR, this sensor can weigh samples with a large range of sizes and is extremely simple to fabricate.

how to find volume with just density - Each passage of the bead through the tube results in a momentary decrease in the tubes resonance frequency this is recorded as a downward peak in the resonance frequency

Our sensor consists of a short length of glass tubing bent into a "U" shape and attached to an inexpensive speaker that vibrates the glass tubing at its resonance frequency. The resulting sensor shown in Fig 1 costs about US $12 in materials and can be made in under 10 minutes. Additionally, by weighing samples in fluids of different densities, we can also use our sensor to measure the volume and density of samples in fluid. When a sample passes through the vibrating tube sensor, its buoyant mass is recorded as a brief peak in the plot of resonance frequency vs. time (e.g., Fig 1C and 1D).

how to find volume with just density - Each point on the peak baseline a

Once a peak is located, the height of the peak can be measured and converted to a corresponding buoyant mass value using the sensor's point mass calibration described below. Alternatively, a custom Python program can be used to fit the raw frequency measurements to an analytical equation of expected peak shape derived from Dohn et al. The resulting buoyant mass measurements were recorded and processed using a moving window average filter with a window size of five data points to slightly reduce noise in the plots of buoyant mass vs. time. Additional details about signal processing are provided in S6 Fig. Most solid substances are irregularly shaped, which complicates volume determination. It is inaccurate, for example, to determine the volume of a powder by measuring its dimensions.

how to find volume with just density - The height of this peak is used to determine the buoyant mass of the bead

Instead of directly measuring dimensions or using glassware like a volumetric flask, it is necessary to make use of a liquid displacement method to measure the volume of an irregularly shaped solid. A graduated cylinder containing a known volume of liquid is tared. The solid is added to the cylinder, and the total mass is weighed again to determine the mass of the solid.

how to find volume with just density - Histograms showing the buoyant mass of another bead weighed thousands of times in two different fluid densities

Addition of the solid causes an upward displacement of the liquid, resulting in a new volume reading. The volume of the solid is equal to the change in volume due to liquid displacement (i.e., the difference in liquid volume before and after adding solid). Where mo is the absolute mass of the object, ρo is the density of the object, and ρf is the density of the fluid filling the channel. Stated in words, an object's buoyant mass is equal to its real mass minus the mass of an equivalent-volume amount of fluid. If the object's density is less than the fluid's density, then the object has a negative buoyant mass and its passage through the tube will result in a momentary increase in the tube's resonance frequency .

how to find volume with just density - In deionized water density 1

Finally, if the object's density equals the fluid's density, then the object will have zero buoyant mass and its passage through the tube will have no effect on the resonance frequency of the tube . Thus, the orientation of the vibrating tube with respect to gravity has no effect on its measurements. To measure the density of a sample of material, both the mass and volume of the sample must be determined. For both solids and liquids, a balance can be used to measure mass; however, methods for determining volume are different for solids and liquids.

how to find volume with just density - The widths of these distributions120 and 160 nanogramsprovide an estimate of the resolution of our mass measurements

As liquids can flow and take the shapes of their containers, glassware such as a graduated cylinder or volumetric flask can be used to measure the volume of a liquid. The volume of an irregularly-shaped solid can be measured by submersion in a liquid — the difference in volume caused by addition of the solid is equal to the volume of the solid. Measurements of an object's fundamental physical properties like mass, volume, and density can offer valuable insights into the composition and state of the object. However, many important biological samples reside in a liquid environment where it is difficult to accurately measure their physical properties.

how to find volume with just density - The four proof-of-concept samples studied heremicrobeads

The density of a substance can be used to define the substance.Water is unusual because when water freezes, its solid form is less dense than liquid water, and thus floats on top of liquid water. To determine the density of an irregular solid in pellet form, add approximately 40 mL of water to a clean and dry 100-mL graduated cylinder. Place the cylinder on an analytical balance and tare.

how to find volume with just density - Our technique is very versatile because all objects have fundamental physical properties like mass

Add approximately 10 pellets, and record the new volume after the addition. The mass is only the pellets, as the rest have been tared. Make at least two additional sets of mass and volume measurements to calculate an average value of the density. The density for zinc was measured for three different samples. Note that, since the measurements were made in a graduated cylinder, which is less precise than a volumetric flask, the density has lower degree of precision.

how to find volume with just density - Consequently

Raw resonance frequency data from repeated measurements of a single polyethylene microbead in water (from the right-hand distribution of measurements in Fig 1E). After zooming in to the filtered data , peaks corresponding to individual measurements of the microbead are visible. Zooming in further on one pair of peaks shows the ∼2 millihertz height of these peaks (corresponding to a buoyant mass of ∼3.7 μg for this microbead). The peaks come in pairs because the particular vibrating tube sensor used for this measurement had a tuning-fork shape with two vibrating "U"-shaped lobes . To validate our technique with a diverse range of biological samples, we used vibrating tube sensors to monitor the mass of individual plant seeds during imbibition and germination. Seed imbibition, or water uptake, is used in agriculture as a metric of seed health and quality .

how to find volume with just density - And unlike imaging-based measurements of size

Seed germination is a change in seed metabolism when imbibition starts; germination culminates with the elongation of the embryonic axis that penetrates the seed coating. The imbibition of seeds is accompanied by a rapid leakage of cellular materials and the rate of this leakage is decreased as the tissues become hydrated . If water uptake by the seed is too rapid, the seed tissue might experience injury, and if the seed enters an anaerobic state, the seed might experience accumulation of toxic chemicals such as ethanol. Both situations can encourage undesirable seed dormancy and delay germination . In summary, seed imbibition and germination are important phenomena in plant research, and quantitative measurements of these phenomena would be valuable in a wide range of botanical and agricultural fields. Magnesium ribbon with a thickness of 250 μm (98% pure; MiniScience Inc., Clifton, NJ) was used as a model biomaterial in our degradation rate measurement studies.

how to find volume with just density - Finally

Roughly 1 mm sized pieces of magnesium were cut from the ribbon. The samples were polished before measurement using 600, 800, and 1200 grit silicon carbide abrasive papers to remove the native oxide layer. Flow through the sensor was controlled using the servomotor as described previously.

how to find volume with just density - Before using a vibrating tube to weigh a sample

The resulting buoyant mass measurements are shown in Fig 4. Of a substance is the ratio of the mass of a sample of the substance to its volume. The SI unit for density is the kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3). For many situations, however, this as an inconvenient unit, and we often use grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) for the densities of solids and liquids, and grams per liter (g/L) for gases. Although there are exceptions, most liquids and solids have densities that range from about 0.7 g/cm3 to 19 g/cm3 . Table \(\PageIndex\) shows the densities of some common substances.

how to find volume with just density - We calibrated the sensor shown in Fig 1A using a glass bead of known size and density in a fluid of known density

Table 1 lists results for the determination of the density of ethanol using a 50-mL volumetric flask. Densities were calculated by dividing the measured mass by 50.0 mL. The mean measured density was 0.789 ± 0.001 g/mL. Table 2 lists results for the determination of the density of a sample of zinc metal using a 100-mL graduated cylinder and the liquid displacement method.

how to find volume with just density - Fig 1C shows eighteen downward peaks in the resonance frequency of the tube as the bead is pumped back and forth eighteen times through the tube

Note that the measured densities are constant for both substances. Table 2, in particular, demonstrates that density is independent of the amount of substance studied. The masses of samples do not change if the temperature is raised or lowered. However, the volumes of solids and of most liquids increase slightly if the temperature is raised. The volumes of all gases held at constant pressure increase greatly when temperature is raised. If the denominator of a fraction is increased while the numerator remains constant, the value of the fraction decreases.

how to find volume with just density - The height of each peak 72 millihertz Fig 1D is proportional to the buoyant mass of the bead

Density usually decreases with increasing temperature. When the density of a material is given, the temperature at which the density was measured should also be given. Finally, to demonstrate our technique using a biologically-relevant sample other than an organism, we used vibrating glass tubes to precisely measure the degradation rates of biodegradable materials. For many applications in medical implants, it is desirable to have materials with known degradation rates. For example, a screw for repairing a broken bone might remain intact until the bone heals and then dissolve away. However, measuring the degradation rates of slow-degrading materials is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process.

how to find volume with just density - Our homemade vibrating tube mass sensors typically have quality factors around 500

This process slows the development of new biomaterials and introduces the potential for human error. Ρ is the object's density m is the object's total mass V is the object's total volume Under specified conditions of temperature and pressure, the density of a fluid is defined as described above. However, the density of a solid material can be defined in several ways. Porous or granular materials have a density of the solid material, as well as a bulk density, which can be variable. For example, if you gently fill a container with sand, and divide the mass of sand by the container volume you get a value termed loose bulk density.

how to find volume with just density - In this work

If you took this same container and tapped on it repeatedly, allowing the sand to settle and pack together, and then calculate the results, you get a value termed tapped or packed bulk density. Tapped bulk density is always greater than or equal to loose bulk density. In both types of bulk density, some of the volume is taken up by the spaces between the grains of sand.

how to find volume with just density - Like the SMR

The density of the sand grains, exclusive of the air between the grains, will be higher than the bulk density. As an object passes through the vibrating tube sensor, the shape of each resulting peak in the tube's resonance frequency is a function of the vibrational mode and amplitude of the tube. In this work, the tubes are vibrating at their primary vibrational mode, meaning that the amplitude of vibration is highest at the tip (the bottom of the glass "U") and lowest at the base (the top of the "U").

how to find volume with just density - But unlike the SMR

As the particle leaves the tube (point "c" in Fig 1B) the tube's vibrational amplitude in this region decreases again, so the resonance frequency of the tube returns to baseline (point "c" in Fig 1D). General mathematical expressions for predicting this peak shape for any vibrational mode were derived by Dohn et al. Volume is an amount of space, in three dimensions, that a sample of matter occupies. The number and the phase of the molecules in the sample primarily determine the volume of a substance. Volume will be measured in many ways in this course, but the units are usually milliliters or cubic centimeters .

how to find volume with just density - Our sensor consists of a short length of glass tubing bent into a U shape and attached to an inexpensive speaker that vibrates the glass tubing at its resonance frequency

Methods for determining or delivering precise volumes include volumetric pipets and pycnometers; less precise methods include burets, graduated cylinders, and graduated pipets. Volume is the amount of space an object occupies while density is the mass of an object per unit volume. You need to know the volume of an object before you can calculate its density. Calculating volume for regular objects can be done with a simple formula determined by the shape of the object. Common units for volume are cubic centimeters , cubic meters , cubic inches , and cubic feet . Once you have the volume, density is one more simple calculation away.

how to find volume with just density - The resulting sensor shown in Fig 1 costs about US 12 in materials and can be made in under 10 minutes

Common units for density are grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) or grams per milliliter (g/mL). The density of a substance, in general, depends on temperature and pressure. The density of most gases is proportional to pressure and inversely proportional to temperature. Liquids and solids, on the other hand, are essentially incompressible substances, and the variation of their density with pressure is usually negligible. At 20°C, for example, the density of water changes from 998 kg/m3 at 1 atm to 1003 kg/m3 at 100 atm, a change of just 0.5 percent. The density of liquids and solids depends more strongly on temperature than it does on pressure.

how to find volume with just density - Additionally

At 1 atm, for example, the density of water changes from 998 kg/m3 at 20°C to 975 kg/m3 at 75°C, a change of 2.3 percent, which can still be neglected in many engineering analyses. Additional measurements of the buoyant mass of single zebrafish embryos in water, obtained using our vibrating glass tube sensor. Distribution of buoyant mass measurements for 474 different zebrafish embryos at 2 hours post-fertilization, obtained using our vibrating glass tube sensor. Seeds of iceland poppy , oregano , and foxglove were obtained from Ferry-Morse and measured every 10 seconds in water until active germination was observed using the servomotor reservoir lifter described above. This estimate of single-seed mass was used along with the seed buoyant mass measurements to calculate the estimated density of each seed during imbibition and germination (Fig 3G–3I).

how to find volume with just density - When a sample passes through the vibrating tube sensor

By convention, the volume of liquids and gases is often expressed in units of liters or milliliters, measured with glassware. The dimensions of regularly shaped solids can be measured directly with rulers or calipers, which have linear units, giving volumes in units such as cubic centimeters. One milliliter is equivalent to one cubic centimeter.

how to find volume with just density - Once a peak is located

A graduated cylinder is a piece of lab equipment that has graduated markings on the outside and allows you to measure the volume of liquids. Make sure the graduated cylinder is large enough to contain your object. You want to fill it with enough water to completely submerge the object, but not overflow.

how to find volume with just density - Alternatively

Monday, January 3, 2022

Golden State Vs Sacramento Box Score

A new rule was implemented in response to second-round draft picks who quickly become superstars. Chris Mullin succeeded St. Jean with the title of Executive Vice President of Basketball Operations in 2004. He hoped to build a winning team around Jason Richardson, Mike Dunleavy Jr and Troy Murphy, and drafted 7-foot center Andris Biedriņš from Latvia . At the 2005 trading deadline, he bolstered to the team with the acquisition of point guard Baron Davis, bringing to the team its first superstar since Mullin himself. The Warriors enjoyed a great start to the 2005–06 season, entering the new year with a plus .500 winning percentage for the first time since 1994, but managed to win only 13 more games through the end of March due to injuries. Davis often found himself at odds with new head coach Mike Montgomery and failed to remain healthy, playing in just 54 games.

golden state vs sacramento box score - A new rule was implemented in response to second-round draft picks who quickly become superstars

On April 5, 2006, the Warriors were officially eliminated from playoff contention in a 114–109 overtime loss to the Hornets, extending their playoff drought to 12 seasons. The Warriors posted many notable achievements during the 2016–17 regular season. On November 7, 2016, Stephen Curry set the NBA record for most 3-pointers in a game with 13, in a 116–106 win over the Pelicans.

golden state vs sacramento box score - Chris Mullin succeeded St

On December 5, 2016, Klay Thompson scored 60 points in 29 minutes, in a 142–106 victory over the Pacers. In doing so, Thompson became the first player in NBA history to score 60 or more points in fewer than 30 minutes of playing time. Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Draymond Green, and Klay Thompson were all named to the 2017 NBA All-Star Game, making the Warriors only the eighth team in NBA history to have four All-Stars. On February 10, 2017, Draymond Green recorded a triple-double with 12 rebounds, 10 assists, and 10 steals, becoming the first player in NBA history to post a triple-double with fewer than 10 points. On March 2, 2017, the Warriors' streak for most games without back-to-back losses ended at 146 with a 94–87 loss to the Chicago Bulls.

golden state vs sacramento box score - He hoped to build a winning team around Jason Richardson

In the 2012 draft, the Warriors selected small forward Harrison Barnes with the 7th overall pick, center Festus Ezeli with the 30th pick, small forward Draymond Green with the 35th pick, and 7-foot-1 center Ognjen Kuzmic with the 52nd pick. At the time, many basketball writers considered the move risky for Golden State because of Curry's injury history. In 2016, however, Slater argued that Curry's relatively inexpensive contract paid "huge dividends" by freeing up the necessary funds to allow the team to "keep a strong core around him".

golden state vs sacramento box score - At the 2005 trading deadline

The team made a series of other moves, trading Dorell Wright, obtaining point guard Jarrett Jack, and signing forward Carl Landry. The Warriors selected future All-Star shooting guard Klay Thompson with the 11th pick in the 2011 NBA Draft. However, the team did not improve in the 2011–12 NBA season under coach Jackson, finishing the lockout-shortened season with a 23–43 record and again failing to make the playoffs. Due to the 2011 NBA lockout, Jackson could not establish his system in training camp. Hindered by several injuries to key players, the team then entered into another chaotic rebuilding phase. These moves saw the rise of Stephen Curry and David Lee to team co-captains, and saw Thompson move into a starting role.

golden state vs sacramento box score - The Warriors enjoyed a great start to the 200506 season

However, Curry suffered a series of ankle and foot-related injuries that limited him to 26 regular-season games. Floyd once scored 29 points for the Warriors in the fourth quarter of a playoff game against the Lakers, though he was later traded to the Houston Rockets. The team won more than 50 games for only the fourth time in franchise history, finished 20 games over .500 for the first time in 22 years, and tied the 1991–92 squad for the franchise's all-time mark of 24 wins on the road. Even without Bogut, the Warriors battled the third-seed Los Angeles Clippers to a seventh and deciding game in the first round of the playoffs before their 2013–14 season came to an end. Curry and Klay Thompson continued to set league records in three-point shooting. Together, Thompson and Curry combined for 484 threes on the year, besting by one the NBA record they had set the year before.

golden state vs sacramento box score - Davis often found himself at odds with new head coach Mike Montgomery and failed to remain healthy

Despite early-season injuries to Brandon Rush and Andrew Bogut, and despite starting two rookies , the 2012–13 Warriors had one of their best starts in decades. The team earned 20 wins in less than 30 games played for the first time since 1992. The Warriors also achieved a milestone by completing their first ever 6–1 road trip in franchise history, including a 97–95 win over the defending champion Heat in Miami. On April 9, 2013, with a win over the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Warriors clinched the playoffs for the second time in 19 years and the first time since the 2006–07 "We Believe" Warriors. The team finished the season with a record of 47–35, earning the sixth seed in the Western Conference, and defeated the Denver Nuggets in the first round of the playoffs by winning four out of six games. They lost in the second round to the San Antonio Spurs, four games to two.

golden state vs sacramento box score - On April 5

This was the first playoff experience for all of the starters of this group except for Andrew Bogut. The team broke a franchise record with 21 made three-pointers in a win against the Orlando Magic. In February 2011, the Warriors traded Brandan Wright and Dan Gadzuric for Troy Murphy and a 2012 second-round pick that was used on Draymond Green. On February 27, Murphy and the Warriors reached a buyout agreement and he was waived.

golden state vs sacramento box score - The Warriors posted many notable achievements during the 201617 regular season

In April 2011, Dorell Wright made a franchise record of 184 three-pointers in a season in a home win versus Los Angeles Lakers, surpassing Richardson's 183 in 2005–06. In a win against the Portland Trail Blazers, Wright then broke another NBA record, becoming the first player to have scored more points in his seventh season than in all his first six seasons combined. Wright ended the season with the most three-pointers made in the NBA that season with 194, as well as the most three-pointers attempted with 516; each mark set a new Warriors franchise record. Coach Smart was dismissed on April 27, 2011 due to the change in ownership.

golden state vs sacramento box score - On November 7

Seventeen-year NBA veteran and former ABC and ESPN commentator Mark Jackson replaced Smart as head coach on June 6. Ellis was injured in a moped accident, and suspended for 30 games for riding the vehicle against the terms of his contract, depriving the Warriors of their top player. They traded disenchanted forward Al Harrington to the New York Knicks for guard Jamal Crawford, and were undone by injuries and the minimal experience of their young players such as Anthony Morrow and Brandan Wright. Coach Nelson often had to make adjustments to the starting lineups since many of the original starters missed games due to injuries. Despite the team's losing record, the Warriors were hard to beat when they had a healthy lineup and a strong bench. With leadership and improvement in their young players, they were sometimes able to defeat powerhouse teams such as the Boston Celtics, 99–89.

golden state vs sacramento box score - On December 5

In the 2007–08 season, the Warriors faced early difficulties in their attempt to return to the playoffs. Richardson was traded to the Charlotte Bobcats for rookie Brandan Wright. To make things even worse, Jackson was suspended for seven games over a firearm incident. The Western Conference was very strong that season; every playoff team won 50 games, leaving the Warriors two games out of the last playoff spot. The Warriors sold out nearly every home game during the season averaging 19,631 per game, the highest in team history.

golden state vs sacramento box score - In doing so

At the start of the next season, however, a rift formed between Webber and Sprewell on the one hand and Nelson on the other. The 1994–95 season was the first under new team owner Chris Cohan, who had bought out Fitzgerald and Finnane. The Warriors selected power forward prospect Joe Smith as their first overall draft pick in 1995 and hired Rick Adelman as the new head coach. They sent Tim Hardaway and Chris Gatling to the Miami Heat for Kevin Willis and Bimbo Coles midway through the 1995–96 season, and ended up with a 36–46 record, three wins short of making the playoffs. While their home court, the Oakland Coliseum Arena, was being extensively renovated, the 1996–97 Warriors played their home games in the San Jose Arena and struggled to a 30–52 finish. Following the season, Mullin was traded to the Indiana Pacers in exchange for Erick Dampier and Duane Ferrell.

golden state vs sacramento box score - Stephen Curry

The Warriors played their first regular-season game at the Chase Center on October 24, 2019, in a 141–122 loss to the Los Angeles Clippers. During their very next home game, on October 30 against the Phoenix Suns, Curry broke his hand in a collision, requiring surgery that was expected to keep him out of action for at least 3 months. This, along with Thompson's injury rehab keeping him out the entire year, sent the Warriors into a downward spiral from which they never recovered. However, they saw second-round pick Eric Paschall, two-way player Damion Lee, and training camp pickup Marquese Chriss establish themselves as rotation players. Curry returned for one game on March 5 before the season was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Warriors were not one of the 22 teams invited to the NBA Bubble on June 4, which ended their 2019–20 season with a league-worst record of 15–50.

golden state vs sacramento box score - On February 10

The Warriors began the 2015–2016 regular season by winning their first 24 games, the best start in NBA history. These 24 wins included the best road start in NBA history at 14–0, surpassing the 1969–70 New York Knicks, which was also the joint-third longest road win streak. Their record-setting start ended when they were defeated by the Milwaukee Bucks on December 12, 2015. Golden State also won 28 consecutive regular-season games dating back to the 2014–15 season, eclipsing the 2012–13 Miami Heat for the second longest winning streak in NBA history.

golden state vs sacramento box score - On March 2

The team set an NBA record with 54 consecutive regular-season home wins, which spanned from January 31, 2015 to March 29, 2016; the previous record of 44 was held by the 1995–96 Chicago Bulls team led by Michael Jordan. On May 14, 2014, the Golden State Warriors signed Steve Kerr to a reported five-year, $25 million deal to become the team's new head coach. It was the first head-coach job for Kerr, 48, a five-time NBA champion guard who set an all-time career record for accuracy in three-point shooting (.454). Kerr had served as president and general manager for the Phoenix Suns basketball team from 2007 to 2010, and had recently been working as an NBA broadcast analyst for Turner Network Television .

golden state vs sacramento box score - In the 2012 draft

The Warriors also signed point guard Shaun Livingston and guard Leandro Barbosa during the off-season. Over the 17 years before Jackson took the helm in 2011, the franchise had averaged 30.2 wins per season and made the playoffs only once. Jackson became just the third Warriors head coach to notch at least 50 wins in a season, joining Nelson and Attles, who both hit the mark twice.

golden state vs sacramento box score - At the time

The Warriors began the 2013–14 season showing flashes of brilliance and also plenty of lapses. In early December their record was 12–9, as compared to 17–4 the year before. One challenging factor was a tough starting schedule that saw them play 14 of their first 22 games on the road, including 10 games against teams holding playoff spots in the standings. A stream of injuries also held the team back, including injuries to Ezeli, Douglas, and O'Neal. With Iguodala back in the lineup, the Warriors went on a 10-game winning streak that included six consecutive wins on a single road trip, tying an NBA record.

golden state vs sacramento box score - In 2016

The winning streak was the longest for the franchise since the 1975 championship year, and fell just one win short of the team record of 11 consecutive wins. They rank 1st in both offensive ratingand defensive ratingwhich is just astonishing. Those metrics states that they are the best team in the NBA this regular season on both ends of the floor.

golden state vs sacramento box score - The team made a series of other moves

Add in the fact that they play at the league's 2nd fastest paceand top the league in true shooting percentageand this Warriors team is not the club you want to see next on your schedule. The Warriors went into the 2018 playoffs as the second seed in the Western Conference after earning a 2017–18 regular season record of 58–24. After defeating both the Spurs and the Pelicans 4–1, the Warriors came up against the top-seeded Houston Rockets in the Western Conference Finals.

golden state vs sacramento box score - The Warriors selected future All-Star shooting guard Klay Thompson with the 11th pick in the 2011 NBA Draft

Despite reaching a 3–2 disadvantage against the Rockets after Game 5, the Warriors staved off elimination and came back to win the series 4–3, winning the Western Conference for the 4th straight year. The 2018 Finals pitted the Warriors against the Cavaliers for the fourth consecutive season; this marked the first time in NBA history that the same two teams had met in the Finals for four consecutive years. The Warriors swept the Cavaliers to win their second straight NBA championship; previously, there had not been an NBA Finals sweep since 2007.

golden state vs sacramento box score - However

On August 30, 2018, David West announced his retirement from the NBA after 15 seasons. Following the 2018 NBA Finals, writers for Sports Illustrated, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Daily News described the Warriors as a dynasty. The Warriors returned to the Finals the following year and lost 4–2 to the Toronto Raptors. On March 31, 2016, the Warriors won their 68th win of the season in an overtime game over the Utah Jazz, breaking the franchise record for most wins in a single season in franchise history.

golden state vs sacramento box score - Due to the 2011 NBA lockout

Gsw Vs Sac Box Score On April 13, 2016, Golden State set the NBA record for most wins in a single season. On May 10, 2016, Stephen Curry was named the NBA's Most Valuable Player for the second straight season. Curry is the 11th player to win back-to-back MVP honors and became the first player in NBA history to win the MVP award by unanimous vote, winning all 131 first-place votes. Stephen Curry, Draymond Green and Klay Thompson were all named to the 2016 All-Star Game. Green broke the Golden State franchise record of nine triple-doubles in a season.

Gsw Vs Sac Box Score

Curry broke numerous three-point records during the season, including his own NBA record for made three-pointers in a season of 286; he finished the season with 402 three-pointers. He made a three-pointer in 151 consecutive games, which broke the NBA record of 127 set by Kyle Korver in 2014. On February 27, 2016, Curry also tied the NBA record of twelve three-pointers made in a single game, jointly holding it with Donyell Marshall and Kobe Bryant.

golden state vs sacramento box score - These moves saw the rise of Stephen Curry and David Lee to team co-captains

Collectively known as "Run TMC" after the rap group Run-D.M.C., the trio stayed together for just two seasons and won only one playoff series. Nelson sent Richmond to the Sacramento Kings for rookie power forward Billy Owens, a promising young front-court player meant to complement the coach's run-and-gun system. Nelson had been brought to the Warriors from the Milwaukee Bucks by Jim Fitzgerald, who co-owned the team from 1986 and 1995 with Dan Finnane. In 1993–94, with first-round draft pick and Rookie of the Year power forward Chris Webber playing with off-guard Latrell Sprewell, the Warriors made the playoffs. Six Warriors scored in double figures, including 14 points for Draymond Green, 17 for Andrew Wiggins, and 22 highly-efficient points from Jordan Poole, on 8-16 shooting. Draymond went 6-12 tonight, more shots than he'd taken in the team's first two games.

golden state vs sacramento box score - However

His aggressive attacking and willingness to shoot was huge for the offense, opening up shots for other players and leading to his seven assists. The Sacramento Kings still lead the league in offensive rebounds but aren't making the most of their extra chances. They have six players scoring in double digits but only De'Aaron Fox is scoring over 20 points a game.

golden state vs sacramento box score - Floyd once scored 29 points for the Warriors in the fourth quarter of a playoff game against the Lakers

The Warriors earned home-court advantage throughout the 2017 playoffs, thanks to a 2016–17 regular-season record of 67–15. They were the first team in NBA playoff history to start the playoffs 12–0, defeating the Trail Blazers, the Jazz, and the Spurs in consecutive series. The 2017 Finals once again pitted the Warriors against the Cavaliers, becoming the first time in NBA history that two teams met in the Finals for three consecutive years. The Warriors won the championship after going 4–1 in the Finals, and their 16–1 playoff record garnered the best winning percentage (.941) in NBA playoffs history. After the Warriors announced that they were uncertain if they would make the customary visit to the White House by playoff champions, President Donald Trump rescinded his invitation. To "celebrate equality, diversity and inclusion." Planned activities included meeting with local youth and a visit to the National Museum of African-American History and Culture.

golden state vs sacramento box score - The team won more than 50 games for only the fourth time in franchise history

St. Jean had become the new Warriors' general manager in July 1997; he and his predecessor Dave Twardzik received much of the blame for the Warriors' struggles early in Cohan's turbulent tenure as owner in addition to Cohan himself. St. Jean brought in players such as Terry Cummings, John Starks and Mookie Blaylock who were well past their primes. Twardzik drafted several flops, such as Todd Fuller (while Kobe Bryant was still available as well as Steve Nash and Jermaine O'Neal) and Steve Logan . In the following draft, the team selected Adonal Foyle while Tracy McGrady was still available. St. Jean did, however, draft future two-time NBA slam dunk champion off-guard Jason Richardson , a Warriors' star scorer through the 2006–07 season. Miami Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra gestures toward players during the first half of his team's NBA basketball game against the Golden State Warriors in San Francisco, Monday, Jan. 3, 2022.

golden state vs sacramento box score - Even without Bogut

The Warriors have a back-to-back at Denver tonight where they'll have to play, dang near perfect to win. The Nuggets are suffering a few injuries of their own, with Afflalo, Gallinari, Mozgov, and Chandler all ailing, but the Warriors will sorely miss Monta's scoring. Reggie Williams should slide into the starting lineup and with heavy minutes last night for Dorell and David, Amundson and Thornton will need to give an inspired effort. Nene will be a lot to handle down low, but the Warriors cannot forget about J.R. If they can contain these two and win the battle on the boards and the stripe, they'll have a decent shot at winning. 24 and 14 for Lee who seems to have established a steady rhythm a tad late in the season.

golden state vs sacramento box score - Curry and Klay Thompson continued to set league records in three-point shooting

Past the scoring, rebounding, and surprisingly good defense against the physically imposing Cousins, David's continued to impress with his passing. The way he nails some of those sweet outlet passes is really invaluable to a team with a ton of transition players. He almost never operates out of the post and when he does, he's not a double-team kind of threat.

golden state vs sacramento box score - Together

Still, his passing is probably the most underrated aspect of his game which should only improve as he moves into his second year with the Warriors. The Warriors swept the New Orleans Pelicans in the first round of the playoffs, defeated Memphis Grizzlies in six games in the second round, and dispatched Houston Rockets in five games in the Western Conference Finals. The team's opponent was the Cleveland Cavaliers, who would later go on to face the Warriors in each of the next three consecutive NBA Finals. After Golden State fell behind 2–1 in the series, Kerr gave swingman Andre Iguodala his first start of the season, replacing center Andrew Bogut in Game 4. The Warriors defeated the Cavaliers in six games, and Iguodala was named Finals MVP. Kerr became the first rookie coach to win a title since Pat Riley in 1981–82. Even as the team rolled towards the post-season, signs emerged of trouble in the Warriors' front office.

golden state vs sacramento box score - Despite early-season injuries to Brandon Rush and Andrew Bogut

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